The Explosive Story Of One Cop's War On Britain's Most Notorious Drugs Gangs
– Pete Ashton
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Published September 2013 – Paperback / 265pp
ISBN: 978-1-906308-54-4

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Book Description

PETE ASHTON IS an undercover detective – tasked with smashing open some of the most dangerous drugs gangs blighting Britain’s streets.
He targets hardened criminals - men at the top of their game, who have everything to lose, and who would not hesitate to put a bullet in his head if his cover is blown.
Crack gangs, heroin dealers, speed freaks – he’s infiltrated them all, and put many of them behind bars.
Along the way, he’s walked on both sides of a very fine line.
This is the story of a life lived in the shadows – always looking over your shoulder, pushing yourself and your cover story to its limits – and the toll it takes.

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