The Hilarious And Shocking Inside Story Of British Policing
Inspector Gadget
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Book Description

Crime is modern Britain’s obsession. Every day brings another horrific news story: law-abiding men beaten to death outside their homes, teenagers stabbed in gang killings, young women raped and murdered by callous attackers. How did the country get like this?
Inspector Gadget has the answer.
For the first time ever, a senior policeman – writing under an assumed name for fear of exposure – breaks ranks to tell the truth about the collapse of law and order in the UK.
With access to statistics about frontline police strength (much lower than you think), exclusive inside information on the political targets and interference which are bedevilling officers and detailed analysis of the lies politicians and senior police officers tell, his explosive book will reveal how bad things really are.
Controversial and gripping – and the long-awaited ‘follow-up’ to PC David Copperfield’s Wasting Police Time (currently 50,000 sales) – it will set the news agenda on crime and shock the nation. ‘Inspector Gadget’ is the pen-name of a serving senior British police officer. He is also the author of the Inspector Gadget police blog, which has received more than one million hits in the past year.

Follow the further adventures of Inspector Gadget at http://inspectorgadget.wordpress.com

also available
Wasting Police Time
Diary Of An On-Call Girl
Wasting More Police Time

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