The Crazy World Of The War On Crime
– PC David Copperfield
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Published: 9th October 2006 – Paperback
ISBN: 0-9552854-1-0

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Book Description

PC DAVID COPPERFIELD is an ordinary beat bobby quietly waging the war on crime...when he gets time. He's usually drowning in a sea of paperwork, government initiatives and bogus targets. Wasting Police Time is his hilarious but shocking picture of life in a modern British town. It's a world where teenage yobs terrorise old folks, drunken couples beat each other up in front of their children and drug-addicted burglars and muggers roam free. PC Copperfield reveals how millions and millions of pounds in taxpayers' money is wasted and frittered away while the thin blue line is crushed under the burden of mad, politically correct bureaucracy, as crime statistics are fiddled shamelessly (he explains how) and crime spirals ever upwards (he shows why). It's the first time a British policeman has addressed these issues in a book. PC Copperfield's internet diary, Coppersblog, is essential reading for many thousands of people. It has won online writing awards and attracted rave reviews for its dry wit from The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Observer and The Daily Telegraph. The Mail on Sunday ran 10,000 words from the blog across three full pages. He brings the same incisive, acid humour to bear in Wasting Police Time. 'Never, ever call the police,' he writes, 'because we won't help you. My advice is this: buy a gun and never open the door to any government official again.' His advice may not go down well with the Home Secretary, or PC Copperfield's own Chief Constable, but it will certainly strike a chord with a million serving and retired police officers and millions of ordinary Britons.

Follow the further adventures of PC David Copperfield at http://coppersblog.blogspot.com
or download the poster here, as seen in the right hand column

PC Copperfield's book has been making media waves, with appearances on BBC1's Newsnight and BBC Radio Five Live, Sky News and Talk Sport. He's generated a lot of interest in the newspapers, too. Here are links to a selection of pieces which can be found online.
Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=410399&in_page_id=1770
Daily Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2006/10/23/do2302.xml
The Observer http://observer.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,,1945549,00.html
The Sunday Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2092-2426344,00.html
The Sun http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,11000-2006510187,00.html
He's also aroused the ire of Police Minister Tony McNulty, who suggested in the House of Commons that the book was a work of fiction.
We've advised Mr McNulty that if he makes this suggestion without the legal privilege of the House we will sue him for libel. He hasn't yet responded.

also available
Wasting More Police Time
Diary Of An On-Call Girl
Perverting The Course Of Justice

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